Friday, November 26, 2010

AI in the Searle v Dennett Debate

Artificial Intelligence takes on the Searle v. Dennett debate directly and, in my opinion, supports Dennet’s view as well as mine. People will point out the distinct differences between the way David acts compared to humans, but I do not see this as due to the fact that he is a Mecha. I see it because he was not raised in the same way that humans were raised, in fact he was not raised at all and rather created when we was already seven years old. I believe that if David was raised in the same way for the same period of time that Martin was, David would have been much more similar to a human child and less naïve to the world. It is clear that David cannot exactly replicate a human. The best example would be that David cannot eat, drink or age. Yet referring back to Dennett’s argument, if we wait for the technology to come then Mechas could replicate humans exactly. But now raises the question of understanding rather than programmed response, semantics rather than syntax. David is programmed to have the emotion of love, and from that rises the emotions of desire, hate, fear, and will to survive. When David sees an exact replica of himself he attacks it and this emotion would only be possible if David understands that this is unnatural to have an exact twin. He also attempts to commit suicide by falling off the building in Manhattan. If they had merely programmed the will to survive into David, then he would never of attempted to destroy himself, he must have consciousness and understanding to make this decision. I believe Spielberg makes a very good argument for Dennett’s side and truly displays understanding of Artificial Intelligence in his movie.

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