Friday, November 26, 2010

Is Love the Answer?

Steven Spielberg's Artificial Intelligence dives right into the debate that has been made famous by Searle and Dennett. Straight from the beginning of the movie, Spielberg tries to give the whole debate a solution by saying that there is a key ingredient to officially creating a robot with "Strong AI" as Searle would put it. Spielberg says that that ingredient is love, and that is all that is necessary to create Strong AI. It is evident that the women Mecha robot at the beginning of the movie seems to lack any kind of Strong AI due to the fact that she is merely able to describe what kinds of physical feelings come with love, but isn't able to fully understand what this love is and wouldn't be able to experience it. She seems to be acting different than a normal person, and it is just evident that she is a robot and not a regular human being. However, David is then created to experience love, a love only a child and a mother could experience. David clearly shows that he is able to portray this love, and definitely seems to be closer to having Strong AI as compared to the woman Mecha at the beginning. I do not feel although that David experiences a Strong AI just how Searle might have seen it. There are various points throughout the movie where David engages in some kind of action or speech that anyone can clearly decipher from what another human being would do or say. Just for example, David's whole journey to find the Blue Fairy from the Fairy Tale of Pinocchio is one thing that a normal kid just would not do. David was not able to tell the difference between a real life story and a fairy tale. Granted he might have been able to explain the difference, he clearly did not understand what this difference is because he had went on this long journey to find the Blue Fairy and turn him into a "real boy." It could also be said that a normal Orga boy or girl would not be able to tell the difference either, but there is a certainty that no young boy or girl would be able to create a journey like that in order to find a character from a fairy tale. These real children grasp the idea that Pinocchio is not real and neither is the Blue Fairy. I think that it is clear from this movie that there are certain limitations to Artificial Intelligence and there is no way to completely duplicate the experiences and the mind of a human being. These robots are all just inputs and outputs designed to act just like humans, but there is no middle step in the understanding of what these inputs and outputs mean. They are created to perform tasks, and there is no difference between David being programmed to love, and Joe being programmed to tend to the needs of women. They are both just programs that are made with an output in mind, and no output is different from another.

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