Thursday, November 25, 2010

David as Nothing More Than a Supercomputer

As I watched the movie Artificial Intelligence I found myself believing more and more that David was nothing more than a very complex computer. He had been wired to make himself appear to have emotions and feelings, but they were nothing more than programs that operated on the hardware. This concurs with Searle's view that the matter matters. David was not composed of the correct matter and neither were any of the other Mechas and thus they were not conscious human beings. In my own opinion, they were just a bunch of wires that impersonated humans but never could ever have the capability to ever become a human.
The original creator of David made reference to David's journey and how it showed that David had more human characteristics than he had originally imagined. He said that David was seeking a goal that was unattainable and that is what human beings do as well. However, I do not think that David's journey had anything to do with him looking for a goal in his "mechanical life." I believe that the journey that David took to find the blue ferry that would enable him to be loved by his mother was not motivated by personal interests, because David has no personal interests. The sole reason for this journey was because David was programmed to seek love from the person that he was activated by-his mother. Therefore, the matter does matter and David and the rest of the Mechas did not have the correct matter.

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